the player
Dear visitor,
Thank you for spending you precious time reading these lines about my activity as a player. Instead of making a cold and lifeless list of all the places where I played I would love to share with you some impression connected with my career, which last now almost 35 years.
I started to play concerts very early (I guess in that time in the Conservatory one did not teach Music History yet) and to tell you the truth my very first one did not pre-announce anything good for my later career…I played it namely near Napoli the same day when my favorite football team lost 4-0 just against the partenopeo's…in spite of this unambigous nefarious signal (and the unavoidable supporter-depression) I manage yet to play a nice concert. My football team won later 2 championships (one during I was playing a concert in Luxembourg) and I carried on playing, hopefully, nice concert until now.
During all these years I had the possibility, besides my solo career, to work with wonderful friends and colleagues. Among many of them I would like to mention, in alphabetical order, the names of Duo Kaltchev, Tilman Hoppstock and Thomas Mueller Pehring, playing chamber music in the most possible thinkable formations. With a guitar quartet composed of students of the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia (where I have been studying 5 years) I had the joy to work during 10 years cheek by jowl with the foremost italian composers of than (who dedicated to us many of their compositions) and to play in very prestigious places.
My dream anyway, as a young player, was to play in my personal 'Big Slam' of the concert halls. I managed to play in three of them: the Berliner Philharmonie, the big Hall of the 'P.I.Tchaikowsky' Conservatory in Moscow and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. As you see one is still missing, but I am still young and do not give up! (you allow me please not to hint you the name of it, italian superstition…).

Carlo looking for an octave flageolette..
I consider myself thus a lucky man. During all these years I had the possibility to play in innumerable countries, enriching me as person and as a musician as well. I think for instance to the emotion to play in Vienna in the same hall where Beethoven 'tried out' the Eroica on the piano for a group of friends, or, in the same wonderful city, to the concert at the Conservatory, while I was one hour before it still in front of the table on which Mozart wrote Le Nozze di Figaro, or to my concert for the people of a Steiner village in middle England…Those are the priceless emotions which belong to a musician. Therefore each concert, no matter where it the places, is for me a gift of life.
Thank you so much for your attention, I hope you enjoy further my web-site (and my concerts!).
Sincerely yours,
Carlo Marchione