the transcriber
Since I have the music into my life I remember I make transcriptions. I say ´make´ because I am not used to write them down as, in the very beginning, they were born as a kind of off the cuff arrangements of popular and classical pieces during a kind of ´soiree musicales` with my father and oldest brother. This bad habit did not left me at all during my musician-life...So it is a good piece of luck that somebody very close to me convinced me to post for sell some of my transcriptions, in this way I am forced to write them down...
The Icebreaker
Some of you maybe already know that an important step in my career was the coming out of my first solo CD with the 12 Telemann´s violino-solo Fantasias. Unfortunately the Label, which owns nowadays the right on this recording, in spite of many orders from all over the world, refuses stubbornly to press it again. Nevertheless, the score of this large transcription work was published by the Italian edition Edizioni Suvini Zerboni and can still be purchased under the following number of order: ESZ, 11370.

Mozart and Friends
In 2006 everybody was celebrating, rightly, the 250th anniversary of W.A.Mozart birth, so I waited the year after for presenting to the audience a masterpiece by the Divino, the Adagio KV 593 in E minor (original key: B minor), a 12 minutes long movement in sonata form with amazing changes of key and unbearable beautiful cantabile-passages. To complete the program I added music of composers who were in a direct or indirect way related to Mozart, like F.J.Haydn (Sonata) or P.D.Paradisi (Sonata). One can buy these transcriptions by visiting the Shop of this site.
Neapolitan fire
Another large project took place also in 2007, in occasion of the 250th anniversary of D.Scarlatti`s dead. In that year I was invited at various Guitar and Baroque Festivals (yes!) for playing an all Scarlatti-program! This mega project had as a result a large amount of transcriptions of Sonatas by this genial composer. The Chanterelle Edition published some year later 2 of them (the K.208 and K.380) which one can buy under this link ( Some other wonderful sonatas can be purchased at our Online Shop.
For a fistful of notes...
Another important project has been the Morricone’s one. Already in 2000 the Italian editor Suvini Zerboni put me under contract for arranging (in concert form) 12 themes by Ennio Morricone, but because of change of owner and mazy copyright problems only many years later 7 of the 12 pieces could be published for the publisher Carisch (11 of them have been by the way wonderfully recorded by the Italian guitar player Enea Leone, power of the name...). Wonderful music which can be purchased at the Shop of this website (the score and the recording as well).
Scent of Spain
One of my last projects was to transcribe the complete Suite Española Op.47 in its original form. That entails Granada, Cataluña, Sevilla and Cuba (pieces which have been masterfully recorded by Vojin Kocic for the Record Label Naxos). Moreover, I also transcribed two short and lovely pieces, Capricho Catalán and the Tango, which are also available in my Online Store.
My aim was to get to the closest rendition of this pieces according to the original character by taking care, for instance, of the original real pitch and the use of the pedal on the piano in many passages, therefore you will find unconventional tonalities and tunings as well (I hope this will not put you back on trying to play them!).
As you see there is a lot of material (and still much more to come...). Our intention is to put online to buy many of the unedited transcriptions so that players who are interested in them can purchase their score easily and in a safe way.
I hope you appreciate this project!